Thursday, October 30, 2008

Catching up on recent history

The Shan Fellowship of Mae Sai has been meeting for the past few months at the Shan Family Development Center right in the midst of a Shan neighborhood in Mae Sai. We are now in the process of purchasing the land. In the future we hope to use it for a variety of activities including teaching Thai and English, producing useful literature, organizing seminars and workshops, and teaching children how to use computers. The property is big enough to use for retreats and Vacation Bible Schools as well.

Recently a sign was put up in front of the Center and the next Sunday a lady in the neighborhood came with ten Shan kids. She had on her own gathered the kids together to help them with school work and teach them Bible verses. It is so encouraging to know that someone else is already beginning to reach out with the Good News in this community. We do hope we can help each other more closely in the future.

At the end of September the youth workers said good bye as they have to go away for further studies. So the young people wished them well with a song. Now an intern is helping with the work but suitable long term workers are needed for the future.

From Oct. 17 to 19 about 100 Shan kids attended the Shan Vacation Bible School. October iswhen Thai schools have their mid-year break. This year the Shan youth proved to be a big help as they served in the role of Junior Counselors and did an excellent job.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Wednesday Prayer Meeting

"Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven. For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them." - Matthew 18:19-20

The weekly Wednesday prayer meeting was first held in the house of one of the youth believer who gladly opened her house for fellowship in the evenings. For about half a year, Christian youth gathered for prayers for their families and friends and to share and encourage one another with how God is constantly working in their lives.

Today, prayer meetings are held in the house of a couple serving the Shan youth believers. The couple teaches God's word to the believers and have the youth rostered into leading worship and also to share about how God has been working in their lives through answered prayers or their devotional time with God. We thank God for the opportunity to allow these believers to have a form of fellowship and encouragement in the middle of the week. We also thank the Lord for the growth in faith of these youth as we see them eagerly desiring the Word of God and also seeing them willing to serve in every capacity they can.

We have Scripture memorization, so whenever a youth is ready with a verse they have memorized, they can approach any youth worker to be tested.

We appreciate your prayers for this group of believers, that as they continue to be devoted to the fellowship and to God's Word, their faith will be strengthened; that as they continue to come together to worship and praise God, they will enjoy the favor of all the people. And may the Lord add to their number daily those who were being saved.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Hold Unswervingly

"Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another - and all the more as you see the Day approaching."
Hebrews 10:23-25

This was the theme verse for the 3 day retreat we had for the Shan Christian Youth. It was a really good time of bonding with games, bible quizzes and meals together. During the retreat, we were able to have workshops on:
Devotion: Why it is important for us to develop a habit of reading the bible and praying. How we should go about doing our devotions. Every morning during the retreat, we had devotions surrounding the theme.
Evangelism: Why it is important as Christians. And how we can be more active in evangelism through the different ways of sharing God's love. We also took a morning to go to the big market in Mae Sai to give our tracts.

Every evening, we had the Shan Pastor to come and share with us. We were also able to have a session of 'Question & Answer' on the issues and struggles the Shan youths face in their daily lives. Mostly with regards to Shan animistic beliefs, spirit worship & buddhism. It was a good time for the youths to learn and know what the Bible teaches.

Praise the Lord for the enriching time where the youths were encouraged to hold fast to their faith and put their hope in God. Continue to keep them in prayers as they seek to grow in their walk with God.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Team from CT

This is the short term mission team US Connecticut. They were serving with us from the 15th - 25th July. Although it was a short trip, considering the time taken by them in travelling to and back from the US. They contributed so much to the ministry, and we were greatly blessed by their attitude in serving.

They organised a 3 day Bible Camp for the children at Village Nam Jam themed "Olympic Camp"

The team also helped teach in a 2 day Combined Schools English Camp. Which consists of a total of 4 schools from 4 different villages.

For more pictures of the events above, please visit our Picture Gallery.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Thai Language Class

This is the Thai Language Class we have on every Tuesday and Friday for Shan Adults. The class starts from 7pm - 8pm because all of them have to work till 5pm. Some of these adults are parents of children in our scholarship program. Many are from the village in Nam Jam. Most of these Shan have no education background, they do not know a word of Thai. For some, its their first time holding a pencil and writing.

Pray with us that through these Thai Language classes, we are able to educate the Shan as they work in Thailand, to know at least basic Thai. Which will go a long way in helping them when they go to the market or travel around in the village. And that through these classes, we are able to build relationships with them and share to them about the the Love of Christ.

We have been very impressed with their attitude in learning.

An average of 27 adults attend the Thai Language Class.
We pray together for them before the start of each class.

There are some Thai words that Shan find it hard to pronounce.
It is always funny as they try to make the right sound.

Always attentive during class

Ever willing to learn and write

Class writing the new Thai Letters learnt

Deep in concentration
as we give them a spelling test on the Thai letters learnt

Saturday, July 12, 2008

On A Sunday Morning...

We have moved our Sunday Fellowship to the Shan Development Center. There, we have our usual Shan Youth and Adult Fellowship. And also the Shan Children Sunday School.

Youth & Adult Fellowship

Praise & Worship

The youths are rostered to lead worship each Sunday

Some of the guys listening attentively to the sermon

This month the Shan youth & adults
are studying on the book of Ephesians.

Shan Children Sunday School

Singing praise songs with actions!

Listening to Bible Stories

Children doing crafts & coloring

Youth serving the children lunch
(Those who refuse to be in line will eat last...)

One Body, Many Parts
Some help in serving, some help in preparing the food.
Still others, help in finishing up the food!

Group photo of the youths involved in making
Sunday lunch for everyone in Church.
Usually the Pastor's wife is in charge of preparing lunch.
But because she is away this month,
the youths have volunteered to prepare lunch.
We thank the Lord for this great opportunity for the youths to serve the church!

Thursday, July 10, 2008


The mission team from Bukit Panjang Gospel Chapel, Singapore, consist of 3 people. They came from the 10th - 17th June. They taught English in Nam Jam Elementary School, led games, crafts and bible stories during our weekend Bible Club.


Liang Fa


The kids enjoyed themselves. Especially so when they can meet new friends from another country. They also enjoyed the simple games and crafts that the team taught. You can see more pictures at our gallery page. We thank the Lord once again for these willing hearts to come and bless the Shan children and youth.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

The Usual Sunday Morning Crowd

Most of these Shan kids walked about a mile to come to Sunday School. The first contact they had with the Gospel was mid week after-school English and Thai lessons and Saturday morning Bible clubs. Short term teams and individual volunteers from Thailand and other countries have helped the full time workers in reaching out to these children and youths.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Shan Family Development Center

Size of Land: 2,000 Square Meter
Cost of Land: 2.2 Million Baht
Funds Raised: 1 Million Baht (last update June 2008)

We have signed a contract to buy the land along with a deposit of 200,000Baht in June 2008. We are praying that we can fully pay for the land by the end of September 2008.

Vision for the Center
During the past seven years in Mae Sai we have been renting various pieces of property for children and youth ministry and literature production. During these years the Shan population in Mae Sai has been increasing, and the town itself has become more of a center for the wider Shan community.

Therefore we are seeking to purchase a 2000 square meter piece of land with a house on it in order to establish a permanent Shan Family Development Center.
The main purpose of the Center is not to draw together all the ministries and house them under one roof. For if we do that, we are limiting our growth to the perimeter of that one land. Our objective is two fold.
  1. We want to unify our main resources in one place for the purpose of education, training and providing continual support for the various programs of existing ministries in the different villages.
  2. We want to see the Center acting as a place for the equipping and empowering of locals for continual expansion of the ministry to reach more Shan, expanding our reach into new areas of ministry.
Through this Center, we seek to provide better quality long term assistance to Shan students whom we are helping and also be able to organize programs related to health and child rearing to benefit parents as well. As opportunities increase for ministry in Burma it will be possible to organize seminars to help Christians from across the border to establish children's and youth programs there as well.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Students At Vocational School

This is the first batch of Shan students from our ministry program in Mae Sai, many of these youths have been in our program for about 6 years and are now moving into the city Chiang Rai for their further studies in Vocational School. We thank the Lord for His providence through Christians who are seeing these youths into school through their generous support financially.

Since all of them have to move from their villages into the city for studies, Chalor has set up a house to have them all stay together under her guidance and supervision. This arrangement has eased the worries of all their parents. The parents have since build trust and confidence with our ministry program and thus are more than willing to know that we will take responsibility of their children while they study in the city.

The house where the girls are staying is a stone throw away from where Neel & Chalor are residing. This makes it easier for Chalor to oversee the youths. Chalor had a meeting with the girls and explained the house rules which are fairly strict but not excessive. Three infractions means that they will be removed from the scholarship program and the house. Chalor will also have weekly Bible study with them.

Continue to keep this aspect of ministry in prayers, as it is a first step for us to see the first batch of students progressing in their education.
- Pray for wisdom to lead and guide them as we provide care and encouragement to them as guardians.
- Pray that this will open up an opportunity for us to get to know the youths better individually.
- Pray that plans for weekly bible study with the youths will benefit them.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Shan Kids at a Christmas party (their first ever.)